Sunday, September 27, 2009

DAY 2: At the O'neill

the O'Neill was really great. They are really helping us out a lot by making us form an ensemble. Shawna, our guide (she did the MXT program and lived in Russia for 4 years) played this awesome game with us. It really made me very aware of the people around me and my level of concentration and how I can be too focused on one thing and not to open to one thing. That is very very detrimental for an actor. That was great.
We are getting along great so far, no cliques, we are all getting to know one another. Now, let's learn some basic Russian to get us by at first.
Not allowed=Nilsya
Isvenitsia = I'm sorry
Ya Ne Govoroo po Russki= I don't speak Russian
Ya ne pani mayou = I don't know
Dasvidanya= Goodbye
Voosdarovia=bless you
Minya Zavoot = My name is
Skolka=How much?
Pomogitsia=Help Me!
Shauna also told us about the racist and anti-Semitic attitudes of the Russians, which kinda freaked me out bc I don’t want to me spit on or ran over or stalked…we shall see. We also learned that nothing is allowed, but everything is expected. Russia is a double headed eagle, two sides of the same coin… a paradise and hell all at the same time. We'll see what happens when we get there tomorrow!

this is what u get when u order A BLACK RUSSIAN.

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