Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Beginning

So this is an introduction to my life as an actor… I'm constantly moving around and sometimes I don’t even know where home is anymore. Houston or Pittsburgh ? I feel like it's both, but then again, not since I am literally living out of a suitcase and boxes for months at a time! And now, to make things even a little more complicated, I am moving to MOSCOW !!!! Very exciting and very scary at the same time, and I know it will be so worth it! I will be away from everything I know and love, with complete strangers for 3 months and I don’t even know how to prepare myself.
I will be at the O'neill Theatre Center in Waterford , CT for a couple days before leaving this country of ours.
So this is Kenya , I'll be a Stranger in Moscow and probably the only Black Russian. We shall see.

Thanks to God for making this absolutely amazing opportunity possible for me. Thanks to Carnegie Mellon University for sponsoring this trip. Thanks to The O'neill Theatre Center for having this program. And thanks to the Gilman Scholarship Fund for giving me money to eat in Russia !

this is what u get when u order A BLACK RUSSIAN.

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