Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This is just a tiny bit about my trip to SP....

First off I would say that EVERYONE should try at some point in their life to go to Saint-Petersberg, if you need a tour guide I would be happy to take you. I love Moscow and I think as a place to live I would move here in a heart beat but for beauty and tourism Petersberg is the place to be. I wish I had more time now to describe everything but i dont so i wont... just a brief overview of our trip. We left Moscow around 11 in a overnight train. It had beds but they weren't that comfortable. it was just great because it was my first overnight passenger car ride and i felt like i was in the movies. plus it was my friend SJ's bday so we popped bottles and partied all night... lol. we arrived at our hostel around 8am (blah!) it was gross, but with character... breakfast was really really really stupid and i was pissed and then the bus for a tour.

Our first stop was a Catherdral (a Russian Orthodox Church) it was the first of three we saw. We were allowed to enter while the mass was going on. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! It was so beautiful, the priests singing, the decor, it took my breath away. honestly, thats the of most connected ive felt with God in a couple weekd... the people were so devout and i didnt want to leave. Our next stop was another catherdal at the Fortress of Peter and Paul... i loved the fortress... i wanted it to be my own. Our bus tour continued to the bridge where ships come. The next stop was a fortress and inside the fortress was Saint. Peters Cathedral where the Tsars starting with Peter are buried. This was one of my favorite places but more later. Next was the Winter Palace and the Hermatage, again more on that later I need a day to put in to words the beauty and emotion these places stirred. After that we had free time, took a nap with the girls... then some of got really dressed up and went to an exclusive dinner with Saint Sara Jane for her birthday. (the needs its own post as well) We stayed there for a while, they hade great music, ok food, and great Cosmos and wine... We thought then we were going to go dancing but the club wasn't very good so instead we went for a walk and it was beautiful. Sunday we had breakfast and got on the bus to go to the Summer palace. Which isn't as grand as the Winter palace but was still beautiful with amazing gardens, it was a winter wonderland. After that we had a lot of free time so I went with a few friends to a great cafe and had an amazing lunch, then went shopping. It was so much fun. That night we saw Hamlet done by the forth years of the acting school in Petersberg and then I got two burgers before getting back on the train and waking up in Moscow at 8. That is all I can do for now I will try to write more and put up some pictures in the next couple days.this is what u get when u order A BLACK RUSSIAN.

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